„Parlem Contemporani“ Convent de les Arts Alcover/Tarragona
In the Site-specific Installation the spectator is invited to enter in the antiquity and stories of the Sardinian civilization, in a culture that has always lived in close contact with the territory.
The archaeological studies say that the Domus de Janas have been identified as extraordinary examples of underground burial that the prenuragic civilization has built around 3,400 and 2,700 a.C. inside the rocks for funerary and ritual issues.
According to ancient legends and tales „the domus de janas“ have been inhabited by supernatural creatures, the janas, becoming delicate and subtle fairies or ugly witches, who come out only during the night.
The installation wants to make visible in a sterilized form what is normally hidden inside the rocks: its geometric and volumetric structure.
A concept between silence, rituals, mystery and space, which brings lightness, volumes and minimal forms embodied in three dimensions, transporting the viewer to other places that interact with the past, the life cycle of human beings and space.
Dimensions: 4,6 x 3 x 1m and 3,2 x 1,8 x 1m